Thursday, April 10, 2008

Of pulley changes and Lonavala Lunches!

Last Sunday saw us off to Lonavala for lunch. Any excuse to get on that highway in the Beast. The one big change since the switch to new modified pulley is that the engines feels and sounds more together. There was an extra sound or two earlier that now seems to be history.

Also have clocked over 8000 kms now and the 140kmph mark is reached without any drama at all. My favorite point on the speedo of 160 seems less of a strain on the engine too.

In the city the "Magic of the 3rd gear" seems to have gotten better.

The STP + Normal Diesel continues. Have yet to get my hands on the "Magic Pills". If any of you have already tried them do let us know how they have or have not changed your Safari's life.


Anonymous said...

First feedback of magic pill.

Anonymous said...

I have added some more feedback, so check the above link again now.